Building Regulations Application
Once planning has been addressed, the next stage is to make a Building Regulations application.
This application is to ensure compliance with Parts A-S of the Building Regulations, and is carried out by the local authority’s separate Building Control department. Parts A-S cover topics including structural stability, sound transmittance, fire/means of escape, heat loss, drainage and ventilation.
The output for this stage of work comprises enlarged 1:50/20 scale notated plans, elevations and section(s) showing compliance with the Building Regulations.
A Building Regulations application takes approximately 5 weeks to be determined by the local authority.
The local authority Building Regulations fees are charged according to type and scale of work. Dependent on the local authority, all or part- of the application fee is submitted with the application for plans checking, with any remainder due after the first site inspection.
Once the plans check stage is concluded, Building Control officers will make 4 or 5 site inspections at key stages during the construction phase to ensure all is being built in accordance with the approved drawings.